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Postsecondary options for students with significant disabilities

Postsecondary options for students with significant disabilities

By providing educational services in postsecondary settings, public schools may engage transition age students with significant disabilities in meaningful, age appropriate learning during their final years of public school special education. This article describes the goals of providing educational services in postsecondary settings and describes the challenges and benefits of providing services across a range of postsecondary settings. The authors propose and discuss a five step process to help families, educators and community members to secure educational services for transition age youth in inclusive postsecondary settings.

APA Citation: 

Grigal, M., Neubert, D. A., & Moon, M. M. (2002). Postsecondary options for students with significant disabilities. Teaching Exceptional Children, 35(2), 68-73.

Year of Publication: 
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