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Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) 2019 conference handouts

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) 2019 conference handouts

At the CEC 2019 conference, Meg Grigal, Debra Hart, and Clare Papay, along with Dana Lattin from University of Kansas presented Higher Education for Students With Intellectual Disability: Profiles of Effective Practice. This presentation covered the latest national data on access to higher education by students with intellectual disability, and provided concrete examples and strategies on access to inclusive college coursework, paid employment, and campus residential options.

Additionally, Maria Paiewonsky, Meg Grigal, and Debra Hart, with Caroline Parker from Education Development Center (Waltham, MA), presented a poster session called Inclusive College-Based Transition Services: Strategies for Implementation and Evaluation. This poster highlights the trends of national data on college-based transition services to demonstrate growth; an evidence-based model of critical components including planning, supports, inclusive academic access and career development services; and applied strategies and resources to support training and evaluation.

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National Coordinating Center